Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities
On January 4th a set of vulnerabilities in the Intel chip architecture have surfaced. These vulnerabilities have been given the names Meltdown and Spectre. The vulnerabilities make it possible for programs to read portions of other programs that are loaded into the machine's memory.
MCX wint aanbesteding ZIN
Het Zorginstituut Nederland Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN) is een Nederlands zelfstandig bestuursorgaan dat erop toeziet dat Nederlandse burgers verzekerd zijn en blijven volgens de Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw) en de Wet langdurige zorg (Wlz).
New security dashboard
Oracle has introduced the 'Secure Configuration Console' which allows easy in-depth insight in various security configuration items of the Oracle E-Business Suite application. Using this dashboard the 'health' can be examined on a per environment basis.
MCX helps the City Council of The Hague think about Oracle, Security, Architecture and Continuity
In 2002 Oracle initiated the first contact between the City Council of The Hague and MCX. At the time, the question was asked whether MCX could assist the City Council with the technical implementation of the Oracle E-Business Suite.
The challenge of simply keeping the Oracle E-Business Suite up and running
The name Geesinknorba is already part of MCX' client portfolio since 2009. And, Geesinknorba is not just any company, as this producer of refuse collection vehicles, portable and static compactors can look back on 140 years of history in the waste management industry.
Launch self service solution Gisgo
In a rapidly changing world, it is important to adapt to these changes as smooth and swift as possible. One of the goals of MCX is to assist our customers as much as possible by helping them to manage and tune their application optimally in order to meet end-users requirements.
Just like previous years, the user association of PeopleSoft Campus Solution organizes the HEUG (Higher Education User Group) in October. This is the most important event for users of PeopleSoft Campus Solutions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Just like previous years, the user association of PeopleSoft Campus Solution organizes the HEUG (Higher Education User Group) in October. This is the most important event for users of PeopleSoft Campus Solutions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Weir Minerals Netherlands B.V. and MCX have further intensified their collaboration through the hosting of their Oracle E-Business Suite and other Oracle applications, in the Private Cloud of MCX.
Sweco achieves a 50 percent cost saving through services provided by MCX
Sweco, formerly called Grondmij, makes a beautiful promise on their website - the company designs and develops the societies and cities of the future, in particular through the provision of engineering advice and services in the field of architecture.